Tips to Impress(ions): A Social Blog Series

Tips to Impress(ions): A Social Blog Series

Tips to Impress(ions): A Social Blog Series 1920 1080 Emily Dean

B2B industries — especially the AV industry — have a strong potential to incorporate social media into its everyday affairs… IF used correctly. By now we hope that you are already using social media in your communications, marketing plans and even the sales process – or at least have plans to do so in the near future. While we all know social media is a necessary tool, some B2B marketers and industry professionals are still not sure where to begin or the best practices that lead to successful social posts.

In this series, Tips to Impress(ions), members from THE rAVe Agency [CREATE] team will walk you through industry best practices, tips for the different social media channels and we’ll even let you in on a few of our social secrets too!

But in order to kick off the series, our strategy manager, Jordan Townsend, is giving you five simple tips for Twitter and how to optimize your Twitter posts:


Never start a tweet with the @mention.

If you do, the only people that will see the tweet are followers who follow you and the company or individual @mentioned.

Pro Tip: Having trouble? Try starting with a hashtag – we suggest #AVisLIFE or #AVTweeps


Create visual headlines.

If there isn’t a link preview on the tweet – ALWAYS attach an image instead!

Pro Tip: Optimal image size is a minimum of 440 x 220 (2:1 ratio)


Engage — always!

Twitter wants you to use the platform to have and start conversations. This will help build the company brand and be viewed as an industry thought leader.

Pro Tip: To start out, create a list of the top 20 companies that you work closely with or admire – follow their Twitter handles and all the individual thought leaders associated with the company.


Publish native videos.

Use video to tell the rest of the story that you couldn’t fit into the character limit!

Pro Tip: The time limit for videos on Twitter is 140 seconds.


Tag companies (and individuals) in photos.

This won’t count in your character limit use and is always a good way to drive more engagement.

We’ll be creating new Tips to Impress(ions) blog posts each month so that you get a little more insight on how to best use social media for B2B communications. And hopefully, you learned something new today!

If you have any questions or would like to recommend a topic, please drop us a line and let us know:
